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How To Make Your Apartment Feel Like Home Post Breakup

July 30, 2018

How To Make Your Apartment Feel Like Home Post Breakup
Breakups are never easy to go through. Especially if you’ve been living together. Pulling your life and home back together after sharing everything with your partner is one of the most painful experiences one can go through. While there’s no easy fix, there are ways to ease the pain and find yourself again. Photo via Connor Limbocker via Unsplash One of the [...]
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How to Downsize as Empty Nesters

July 29, 2018

The kids are officially out of the house- or maybe they have been for years. Are you feeling like your large home is suddenly overwhelming? Do you long for a smaller space with less to take care of? No yard work and maybe that pool you’ve always dreamed of? Once your kids are grown and out of the house, your options suddenly [...]
How to Get to Know Your Community Neighbors

July 25, 2018

Photo by Matheus Ferrero via Unsplash New to your apartment community and feel a bit lonely? No need! An apartment community is a perfect place to meet new friends. At most Fairfield communities you’ll find resident events happen about once a month or so. These are great opportunities to meet other residents and participate in activities such as yoga, ice cream [...]
5 Steps to Moving in With Your Partner

July 17, 2018

Even though moving in together with the person you love can seem like it would be all unicorns and rainbows, it can be a little more complicated. Or a lot more complicated. And it’s one decision you don’t want to take lightly. This major step will change your relationship forever…are you ready? Let’s see! Photo by Eric Froehling via Unsplash Be honest about why [...]
Hacks For First Time Pet Parents

July 15, 2018

So you’ve made the decision…it’s time to be a pet parent! Now what, right? We’re sure you have a million questions. Luckily, we have some answers. If you’re familiar with Fairfield, you know we love our fur babies whether they bark or meow. And we’ve been giving tips on how to best take care of your pets for a while [...]
How to Create a Baby Friendly Apartment

July 10, 2018

While all life changes require an adjustment period, having a baby might be the biggest. Moving in together, adopting a pet or downsizing-nothing quite compares to preparing your life and your home for your newborn. When it comes to your apartment, how exactly do you prepare? And what can your family and friends do to make things easier? We have [...]
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