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How to Get to Know Your Community Neighbors

July 25, 2018

How to Get to Know Your Community Neighbors

Photo by Matheus Ferrero via Unsplash

New to your apartment community and feel a bit lonely? No need! An apartment community is a perfect place to meet new friends. At most Fairfield communities you’ll find resident events happen about once a month or so. These are great opportunities to meet other residents and participate in activities such as yoga, ice cream socials, BBQs and many more.

Resident events aren’t the only way to get to know your neighbors. At Fairfield, there are various community areas that bring residents together such as:

Social Lounge or Clubhouse – Instead of being cooped up in your apartment, why not head down to the Social Lounge to read a book, play pool or Shuffleboard? Most clubhouses also feature a full kitchen, the perfect place to host a party where you can invite your neighbors!

Pool – Everyone loves the pool once the weather gets warm. Usually, on the weekend you can find many residents hanging by the pool, taking in the sun. The hot tubs/spas are also a great place to meet the neighbors! Nothing like soaking in the tub while exchanging funny stories.

Dog Park –  If you have a pup one of the best places to meet like-minded folks is at the dog run or park. Let your fur babies run free while you and the neighbors exchange notes about your adorable pups!

BBQ Area – There’s nothing more neighborly than throwing a community BBQ! With social BBQ areas at Fairfield communities, it’s the perfect place to invite new friends for good food and conversation, especially now that it’s summer.

Fitness Center – Love to hit the gym, but hate going by yourself? Why not round up some neighbors for a group workout?

Apartment communities are amazing opportunities to meet new friends. If you’re new to your community, don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. You might be surprised at the friendships you make.How to Get to Know Your Community Neighbors

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