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An Apartment State Of Mind

How To Make Your Apartment Feel Like Home Post Breakup

July 30, 2018

Breakups are never easy to go through. Especially if you’ve been living together. Pulling your life and home back together after sharing everything with your partner is one of the most painful experiences one can go through. While there’s no easy fix, there are ways to ease the pain and find yourself again.

How Make Your Apartment Feel Like Home Post Breakup

Photo via Connor Limbocker via Unsplash

One of the dilemmas of breaking up with a significant other that you live with is the period between the initial breakup and when one or both of you find a new place to live. If you’re the one moving forward with the breakup, it’s best to have plans to stay somewhere else while your partner finds another place to live or vice versa. Living together while you’re broken up is never a good idea! It usually ends in more tears than needed. Respect that this is a shock to your partner and allow them to stay in the apartment while the living situation gets figured out. And if you’re the one being broken up with, ask your partner to please stay with a friend or family member during the in-between stage. Hopefully, they’ll respect you and your needs enough to do that.

How Make Your Apartment Feel Like Home Post Breakup

Photo by RawPixel via Unsplash

Being on your own after living with a partner is a shock to the system. Go easy on yourself. If you need that pint of ice cream just to feel a bit better in the short term, go for it. Treat yourself while you numb the pain for a bit, and then gather the courage and strength to get your life back together after the initial shock.

You will find yourself sad and lonely no doubt, but you may be surprised at how you find yourself doing all the things you wanted to do, but couldn’t exactly do your way when you were with your partner. Now is your chance to make your space your own without anyone else’s input. It’s a bit liberating!

If you’re staying in the same apartment post-breakup you may want to switch things up so it feels like a new home, rather than just being a reminder of what was. Change the layout of your furniture, get rid of the things that remind you of your ex and start fresh with things that define you and your independence. Whether that is new art, buying flowers for yourself weekly or even getting new furniture.

Keep in mind that recovering from a breakup with a partner you lived with will take time. The more you accept it and not judge yourself for feeling sad, the faster you will heal. Sooner than later your apartment will begin to feel like home again. Your own home.



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