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Win a $10,000 holiday wish list!

November 18, 2016

What would you do if you had $10,000 to buy the holiday wish list of your dreams? Would you get the latest hoverboard? Buy a new smart watch? What about a vacation to paradise? Whatever your desire, it could be yours. This holiday season, Fairfield Residential is giving one lucky recipient $10,000 toward the wish list of their dreams. Entry is simple. All you need is a Pinterest account and a dream!

Create a Pinterest board called “My Fairfield Holiday Wish List Contest” and show us your ultimate wish list for this holiday season. Want to design your dream apartment? Pin your fantasy furnishings and décor. Are you more interested in technology? Make sure to add the newest flat screen TV and digital camera to your board. Are you all about traveling? Save some photos of your dream destination. Be sure to include the hashtag #FairfieldGrantsWishes in all of the pins and in your board description. Once your board is complete, enter the contest through the form on the entry website here with your name, email, a link to your Fairfield Wish List board and a short paragraph telling us why you should win. Winner will be selected by a panel of judges based on creativity and storytelling, so be sure to clearly explain why you deserve to win!

The contest opens on November 21, 2016, and closes at 11:59pm on December 23, 2016. Make sure you enter before it’s too late!

Wishes don’t just come true in your dreams. At Fairfield, dreams and dream apartment status come standard.


Win a $10,000 holiday wish list from Fairfield Residential

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