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Tips for Better Sleep

September 17, 2020

For some of us falling asleep and staying asleep is easy. For others the struggle is real! Whether you have a hard time falling asleep or waking up in the middle of the night or just not falling into a deep sleep, here are some tips and tricks to get the best night’s sleep ever.

Exercise – One of the most effective ways of falling asleep quickly is wearing out your body during the day with some sort of exercise routine. A good workout not only tires out your body physically, but also can soothe your mind making you more apt to fall asleep faster.

Meditation – By now we’ve all heard that meditation is great for so many aspects of our lives, but especially sleep. One of the main reasons people have trouble sleeping is because of anxiety or worry or not being able to shut off their brains when it’s time to sleep. Meditation can help ease all of these ailments over time by putting your mental and emotional state in a more calm setting.

Have a Bedtime Routine – Chaos and stress before bed time can lead to anxiety. Calm your nerves by having a bedtime routine every night. Do something that relaxes you whether that is meditation, watching your favorite show, or reading a book. Once you’ve done something to relax, get ready for bed and then go to sleep with no distractions.

Don’t Bring Your Phone to Bed – Lastly, if you have trouble sleeping you’ll definitely want to put your phone on airplane mode and keep it away from your bed. Blue light from screens on phones, tablets and computers is known to keep us awake. So you’ll definitely want to put your phone away about an hour before bedtime so that your body can adjust to going to sleep.

Follow these tips and you’ll find yourself falling asleep easier more and more.

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