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Stocking Stuffers for Your Fur Baby

December 14, 2018

We all know our fur babies deserve the best all year long, so having their own stocking is a no brainer. There are so many potential treats and toys to stuff their stockings with, but we break it down to which ones are the perfect size and something they’ll appreciate. What’s better than seeing their bright faces as they tear through their stockings? On the other hand, you may want to hand them one treat at a time. They’ll understand. Without further adieu, here are the Best Stocking Stuffers for Your Fur Baby.


Chew toys – If you’re pup stays at home while you work, a slew of chew toys for the holidays is a must. Plus most of them are small making it the perfect stocking stuffer.

Rawhides – There’s not much that dogs get more excited about than a rawhide. The ultimate treat, this gift will result in a full body wag and eyes sparkling from Fido.

Cat Toys – You’re furry feline with appreciate anything they can bat around, so those cute little stuffed mouses are a perfect treat. Add a bit of catnip in their stocking and they’ll be happy campers.

Treats – What fur baby doesn’t like treats? No matter what, whether you have a pup or a kitty, their eyes will light up when they see a bag of treats in their stocking!

New Collar – While your fur baby may not appreciate a clean new collar, you certainly will! An old collar has got to go, and gifting your pup or kitty a new one is the perfect excuse.

Squeaky Toy – While us humans might not be the biggest fans of squeaky toys, they will certainly keep Fido busy while you’re away at work.

Stocking stuffers for your


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