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International Holiday Getaways

December 10, 2018

If you’re craving something different for this holiday season, why not take your holiday cheer international? If warmth is what you’re after there are plenty of destinations that will keep you glowing in the sunshine. Want to liven up the holidays by experiencing foreign traditions? Escape to Mexico or Iceland for new Christmas festivities. Let’s take a look at some possible international holiday getaways to enjoy this season.

International Holiday Getaways

Photo by Ruben Gutierrez via Unsplash.

Mexico – An easy trip from anywhere in the U.S., Mexico is an ideal holiday destination. Enjoy warm weather in certain parts of Mexico during our chilly months, but also amazing cultural traditions to celebrate the holidays.

International Holiday Getaways

Photo by Maximilien T Scharner via Unsplash.

Costa Rica – If you’re main goal is to escape the snow and instead lounge on the beach with gorgeous views of the ocean, Costa Rica is your spot. The hot weather will help you defrost from the dire cold and warm you up in no time. Not to mention the tan you’ll have!

International Holiday Getaways

Photo by Dan Grinwis via Unsplash.

Capetown – Increasingly becoming a popular destination for international travelers, Capetown in South Africa is very warm when we are cold. Get your tan on and enjoy the lively spirit of South Africans who will also be on holiday. Accommodations are more expensive during this season, but if you book ahead of time this is a holiday destination you won’t want to miss.

International Holiday Getaways

Photo by Luke Stackpoole via Unsplash.

Iceland – If you can brave the cold, Iceland under the Northern Lights is a spectacle to see. To get in the mood for the holidays, visit a traditional Christmas market, go ice skating at the Reykjavík Pond or ride an Icelandic horse through the snow.


Photo by Sasha Stories via Unsplash.

Argentina – If you’re looking to escape to a warmer climate, but still want to experience European culture, head to Argentina. With beautiful architecture, plenty of shopping and tanning weather, Argentina has the best of both worlds.


Photo by Keith Zhu via Unsplash.

Australia – If you want Christmas and summer at the same time, head to Australia to celebrate the holidays in bikinis and board shorts. Instead of making a snowman, make a sandman. Instead of chilling by the fire, head to the beach. You get the idea!

Fresh Aqua Summit

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