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International Holiday Getaways

December 10, 2018

International Holiday Getaways
If you’re craving something different for this holiday season, why not take your holiday cheer international? If warmth is what you’re after there are plenty of destinations that will keep you glowing in the sunshine. Want to liven up the holidays by experiencing foreign traditions? Escape to Mexico or Iceland for new Christmas festivities. Let’s take a look at some [...]
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Holiday Wreath Ideas

December 5, 2018

A perfect way to spruce up your apartment for the holidays is to create a wreath to hang on your door or wall. The great thing about wreaths is that they’re very easy to make plus there are so many ways to decorate them. Incorporate gold and burgundy colors for fall wreaths or plenty of greenery for winter wreaths. Below [...]
Day Trips to Take In Ventura County

December 3, 2018

Residents at our new community in Camarillo, Andorra Apartments, are lucky to be in a prime place for gorgeous day trips just a short drive away. Located in Ventura County, Andorra is only about 20 minutes away from the beaches, mountains and plenty of shopping, dining and all around fun exploring. Let’s see what Ventura County has to offer our [...]
Mood Lamps for Shorter Days

November 29, 2018

Most of us can tell the affect light has on us once the days get shorter. On the whole, people seem to get more glum during the winter months and for good reason. During the summer while we’re outside enjoying the warmth of the sun, it’s more difficult to get into a dampened mood. The days are longer, allowing us to [...]
10 Yummy Soups for Fall

November 27, 2018

Nothing quite warms you up like a hot bowl of soup, right? When it comes to food, soup is a fall staple. Maybe the best thing about soup is the variety of recipes you can create. Everything from pumpkin soup to lasagna soup to cheddar beer cheese soup. There are the more healthy recipes, but there are also the comfort [...]
Best Vegan Spots to Try in Portland

November 25, 2018

Portland is known for their unique take on food, culture and art. So it’s no surprise that Portland is a hub for vegan food. While in most other cities vegan cuisine can be somewhat easy to come by, restaurants that are entirely devoted to vegan options may not be. Not in Portland! There are a ton of amazing vegan restaurants [...]
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