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International Women's Day 2022

March 8, 2022

At Fairfield, we love any opportunity to honor and showcase our diverse and talented associates. To celebrate International Women’s Day, we’ve gathered inspiration and advice from some of Fairfield’s female associates to help continue the cycle of empowering women in the workplace.

International Women’s Day at Fairfield


“Being a female in a Maintenance Supervisor role has made me more thankful every day for the progress the world has made, and I hope my role can be an example to show that anything is possible for women!”

Malyssa Nunez — Maintenance Supervisor

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received in your career?

Maylissa: Don’t confuse movement with progress. We, at times, can get to a place in our career when we feel comfort and settle without realizing it. Or we set goals but never fulfill them because of fear or procrastination. Working hard is great, but you can work hard and not excel. You can be busy, but not productive. We should always be in a place of learning, advancing, and engaging, and as leaders, we should be guiding and leading others to do the same. 

Who is your biggest female role model?

Maylissa: My biggest female remodel would have to be my mom. She was a single parent to me and my two brothers for most of my life. Growing up, I watched the struggle of raising three children alone. What I admire most about this experience is my mom never gave up! The fight in her to raise us the best she could in the best way she knew how made all the chaos worth it. She had so much strength and wisdom, which she bestowed on us. We were raised to go out of our comfort zone and experience as much as the world as possible, speak up when something isn’t right, and work hard for what we want in life because no one else will do it for us. Through all the trials, she remained humble and humorous. Her pride never took over and her ability to make everyone around her laugh is something I will cherish forever. 

esperanza orozco

“Never be afraid to try something new.”

Esperanza Orozco — Senior Project Manager, Marketing

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

Esperanza: To me, International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate all women who make a difference in the world and a reminder that as women can do and achieve anything we want no matter our gender or race.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received in your career?

Esperanza: To never doubt myself! My mom is one of the nicest and most caring human beings I know… and she’s the one who taught me that.

danielle grant

“International Women’s Day means the continual celebration of women, not just today but every day. ”

Danielle Grant — Compliance Officer

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received in your career?

Danielle: Take the time to be self-reflective in all aspects of life. This day specifically it is important to look back, to look forward, and to have appreciation for women’s efforts in campaigning for action and recognition.

Who is your biggest female role model?

Danielle: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg (aka Notorious RBG).

cassandra ento

“Someday women will rule the world!”

Casey Ento — Community Manager, The Moxley

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

Casey: International Women’s Day represents where women are today in the world and the progress we have made in society and the workplace. We now have a voice, the right to vote, the right to lead the world if we choose, the right to be a CEO or form our own company… and the option do it all in heels.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received in your career?

Casey: Always be yourself no matter how high you climb the ladder. Yourself is how you got there!

jen hyers

“Women play a very important role in the workplace and homelife, and being able to balance being a working mother and wife is a balancing act sometimes. Separating work from home and vice versa will make you more present where you are needed.”

Jennifer Hyers — Senior Community Manager, The Montgomery Apartments

Who is your biggest female role model? 

Jennifer: My mother! My mom raised seven children, kept a home, cooked a meal every night, volunteered, and never once complained (nor did you see her have a worry or stress). She made it look so easy.  I can only hope that my daughter will see these traits in me and will aspire to be greater than those that have come before her.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you? 

Jennifer: Women have achieved so much over the years and to be in the place I am today, makes me grateful for the women who have come before me and set the precedence. We are a great force and work hard to achieve our goals.

arlene agcongay

“No matter what comes your way, it’s all about how you live, the experiences and memories you make, how to better yourself each day, and how you want to be remembered by others.”

Arlene Agcongay — Web Developer

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received in your career?

Arlene: Progress, not perfection! I know that I’m never going to be perfect in who I am nor in the things I do. I could strive to get there, but at the end of the day I just have to be able to say “I did the best that I could.”

Who is your biggest female role model?

Arlene: My friend whom I’ve known since we were teenagers. It wasn’t until she was diagnosed with breast cancer later in life that my eyes opened to how fragile life is and how tomorrow is uncertain. The way she lived life during her tough journey was an inspiration — the deadly disease didn’t stop her from furthering her education and career goals, nor did it stop her traveling plans to experience the world or her ability to continue to make an impact in other people’s lives. She taught me what courage, strength, and living life to its fullest meant under the worst circumstances.

alexis heilig

“Not all change has to be on a grand scale. As a mother I have learned that my contribution to the success of women today is setting an example for my daughter. Teaching her through my actions in hopes that she feels just as empowered.”

Alexis Heilig — Virtual Leasing Supervisor

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

Alexis: To me, International Women’s Day means dedication to change what no longer fits into our definition of success. There is always room to grow and more sacrifices to be made which can inspire us to do what we feel is necessary to help not only women but generations to come.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received in your career?

Alexis: The best advice I have come across was to be patient and let things come. I use this every day in work, home, family life, friendships, and, most importantly, with myself. During the last few years, I think we all have learned (whether we wanted to or not) a little bit about being patient, even if it’s uncomfortable. As Brené Brown says, “Leaning into the discomfort is where we will grow in every aspect of life.”

anna leger

“International Women’s Day is a time to acknowledge and honor women around the world for contributions they make in and out of the home.

Anna Leger — Project Manager, Property Management

Who is your biggest female role model?

Anna: My sister-in-law Stacey Lo Medico. She is confident, but not arrogant. She is strong, successful, respected, smart, compassionate, and so much more! Stacey inspires me to be the best me every day.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received in your career?

Anna: Balance work and family.

cheryl middleton

“Remember that everybody is in their own story, just like you are in yours. Don’t take things personally; when making decisions, separate emotion from fact and remember your ultimate goals.” 

Cheryl Middleton — Senior Regional Supervisor, Property Management

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

Cheryl: It’s a day when everyone takes a minute to look around and see the true influence of women in society. We are in a traditionally male-run industry, but at Fairfield most of our Property Management leadership team is female. I love watching not only the corporate leaders but also the site-level leaders manage with kindness and a true sense of obligation to provide the best experience possible for associates and customers. At Fairfield it’s always been about so much more than making money.  Yes, that’s part of it – but creating experiences is truly a part of the vision of this company, and that’s not the norm.

Who is your biggest female role model?

Cheryl: Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

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“The best advice I received was a quote – ‘People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel’ – Maya Angelou. I want people to remember their experience with me as being a positive one.”

Holly Wendt — Senior Training Manager

What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

Holly: This is a day I get another excuse to celebrate an amazing group of women in my life. In the 90’s, I was an NFL cheerleader for the Arizona Cardinals and there is a group of approximately 20 women that have remained friends to this day.  We affectionally refer to our group as Birds of a Feather.  And although we have diverse backgrounds, we share in the belief that we are better together.  We have each other’s backs, we build each other up, we are there for each other through the good times and the bad, and most importantly, we celebrate each other’s achievements. So, on International Women’s Day, I celebrate these women that I am so fortunate to call my life-long friends.

Who is your biggest female role model?

Holly: This was the easiest question I have been asked in a long time…and I didn’t have to look far! All three of these women work for Fairfield: Kim Bender, Liz Culibrk, and Sue Essa. They are intelligent, strong, passionate, supportive, driven, hard-working, and brave. They understand as leaders that their job is to guide and provide you the help and support you need to succeed. Your success is their success! They are role models as leaders because they won’t ask you to do something they wouldn’t do and they lead by example. I truly believe my 19 years of success with Fairfield is due to their continual support of me. 

amanda irwin

“Whether a professional, an at home caregiver, a student, an entrepreneur, or just finding one’s own path, women are part of remarkable changes around the globe. International Woman’s Day is a reminder to lift each other up not just on this day but every day.”

Amanda Irwin —  Senior Portfolio Operations Manager, Marketing

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received in your career?

Amanda: Find the positive. In every situation there is a positive outcome, even if it’s only the learning experience itself. Finding the positive has allowed me to listen to peers, learn from those more knowledgeable, and be open to commentary.

Who is your biggest female role model?

Amanda: My biggest female role model has always been my mother. Both of my parents instilled in me the value of family, a strong work ethic, and sense of pride. As a young girl, I watched the evolution of my mom go from stay-at-home mom to getting a college education (while working odd jobs and holding down the fort) to later retiring from a 30-year career at a local university. She was always present in everything she did and gave more than her best. She is fiercely independent, nurturing, generous, and more – all the great qualities of a female role model.

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