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How to Socialize Your New Pup

August 6, 2019

Whether you’re getting a new puppy or older dog, it’s essential to train them to be social with both other dogs and humans in a happy, healthy way. Depending on your dog’s history or even just their personality, some dogs can be rather shy or anxious making them a little nerve-wracking to be around. The last thing you want is your dog nipping at another dog because they’re uncomfortable. That just makes for an uneasy situation for everyone. On the other hand, overly excited and friendly dogs, as cute as they are, can be a nuisance to handle which is not only difficult for the owner, but also everyone else the dog is obsessively jumping on.

The best thing to do is socialize your dog properly so they know how to behave in public settings, and with dogs and people they don’t know. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Dog Trainer – If you’re having trouble socializing your dog and get nervous every time you have to bring them out in public, you’ll probably want to go ahead and hire a dog trainer. It will be easier for you and your pup if you know how to handle them, and that’s really what a dog trainer does; teaches you how to properly communicate with your dog so you’re both at ease. If your pup has issues with other dogs, trainers can also help dog to dog issues.

Play groups – A happy dog is one that gets to play with other dogs on a regular basis and even make doggie friends. That’s what makes play groups so great. Your pup can socialize and get to know other dogs more intimately, and perhaps they’ll become buddies!

Dog park – If your dog has no problem with other dogs or humans, dog parks are a great way to get that dog to dog interaction that they so crave. They can run around together, chase each, play, and just have a great time in general.

Doggie Daycare – Dogs are social creatures so getting exercise especially with other dogs is essential. However, that can be hard to do if you’re working all day and your dog is home alone. If you can afford it, doggie day care is a wonderful way to socialize your dog so they’re not anxious by the end of the day.

Community Pet Events – Many of our communities offer pet related events a couple of times a year. This is an awesome way for your pup to meet their doggie neighbors and have some fun!

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