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5 Essential Earth Day Pledges for the Planet

April 22, 2016

Celebrate Earth Day in 2016 by taking a pledge to do your part in creating sustainability on this planet.

At Fairfield Residential, we’ve created our Living Green® program to ensure that our properties are eco-friendly throughout the year. One special aspect of the Living Green® program is the #MyEarthPledge. Make a pledge this Earth Day and share with your friends and family on social media to encourage them to do so as well.

1. To make a pledge simply go tohttp://www.myearthpledge.com/.

5 Essential Earth Day Pledges for the Planet

2. Click the icon of the pledge you would like to take, then click “Take a Pledge”!

5 Essential Earth Day Pledges for the Planet

3. Share your pledge on social media by clicking “Share on Facebook” or “Share on Twitter” to encourage friends and family to take their own pledges this Earth Day.

5 Essential Earth Day Pledges for the Planet

If everyone took just one pledge and stuck with it throughout the year, imagine the impact it would have.

What will your pledge be this Earth Day?


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