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An Apartment State Of Mind

Trick or Treating at Your Apartment Community

October 30, 2019

Just because you live in an apartment doesn’t mean you should have to drive to another part of town for your kids to go trick or treating. While it depends on what community you live in, trick or treating can be just as fun apartment style.

If you have kids and want to ensure they have a fun Halloween experience without having to leave home, why not speak to your property manager or neighbors about having traditional trick or treating within your building? Gather with other parents in your building to let neighbors know or your property manager can make an announcement. These days, it’s better to let neighbors know ahead of time that there will actually be trick or treaters coming through since it can be hit or miss and they may or may not have candy.

And one rule of thumb as a resident is to always have candy on hand on Halloween just in case there are kids. There’s nothing worse than having to turn away kids on Halloween!

You can also have a kid friendly event by renting one of the social spaces on Halloween to have a party with other families instead of traditional trick or treating. Have a costume contest for the kids, games, and treats on hand.

One of the benefits of living in an apartment community come Halloween is that when it comes to trick or treating, your kids won’t have to brave the cold! And you can reach a lot more neighbors in a shorter amount of time.

All in all, Halloween can be just as fun, if not more at your apartment community!

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