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5 Best Apps for Pet Owners

July 22, 2016

5 Best Apps for Pet Owners
When you consider your four-legged pal to be part of the family then he should totally have some apps on your phone that are dedicated to him – don’t you agree?  We’ve handpicked the 5 best apps out there for all you dog and cat parents!  From first aid, to fitness, to pet-friendly destinations – we’ve got it all covered [...]
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The 9 Best DIY Granola Bars

July 20, 2016

Let’s be honest, store-bought granola bars can sometimes be lacking in the “delicious” category (not to mention boasting some not-so-great ingredients), so why not make some of your own scrumptious granola bars?!  Not only are they 100% more tasty, but there’s also the added benefit of knowing exactly what you’re putting into your body.  Granola bars are perfect for those [...]
BBQ Recipes - No Grill Needed!

July 18, 2016

We all know that space is limited when you live in an apartment.  You may not have an outdoor space, or the space you have may not be big enough or allow a grill.  But, just because you don’t have access to a grill doesn’t mean that you have to miss out on the deliciousness of BBQ!  There are so [...]
Best Summer Salads (plus our favorite salad bowls!)

July 15, 2016

Whenever I think of salads, I always think “boring!”  But you know what…  Salads don’t actually have to be boring at all!  I never realized there were so many variations of salad – from potato salad, to pasta salad, to your not-so-traditional salads – the list could go on and on!  I’ve gathered up a handful of recipes to share [...]
6 DIY Travel Games for Kids

July 13, 2016

Ahhh, summer road trips.  Jumping in the car, carefree, heading to a new and unexplored destination with days of vacation in front of you. That’s what it’s like to head out on a road trip pre-kids.  Post kids?  Well, let’s just say the words “carefree” and “vacation” don’t generally apply.  “Are we there yet?”, “How much longer mom?”, “Why is it [...]
Must-Try Summer Cocktails and Mocktails

July 11, 2016

I think it’s safe to say that summer wouldn’t be complete without an abundance of delicious, ice-cold drinks.  Whether you’re sitting by the pool or relaxing at the beach, it’s always nice to have something to sip on to keep you cool – we all know how toasty it can get during the summer months!  The following 10 drink recipes [...]
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