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World Kindness Day

November 13, 2020

World Kindness Day
This year, it seems more important than ever to celebrate the little things in order to stay optimistic. Which is why Fairfield Residential was excited to take initiative and celebrate World Kindness Day today, Friday, November 13th. World Kindness day is a global day that promotes the importance of being kind to each other, yourself and to the world – [...]
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National Happy Hour Day: Homemade Cocktails

November 12, 2020

Enjoy a homemade cocktail this National Happy Hour Day on November 12th! We cover all the basis with some cult favorite recipes, let’s check ’em out! Photo by Kyryll Ushakov via Unsplash. Berry Cocktail – Try the Sugar Free Berry Vodka Cocktail with vodka, fresh berries, and fresh lemon juice. Photo by Mae Mu via Unsplash. Rum Cocktail – Try a Classic Mojito with [...]
Veteran's Day 2020

November 11, 2020

Give your support for Veteran’s Day this year! Each year Veteran’s Day is a chance for American residents to pay their respects to those that serve our country. This year’s official theme for Veteran’s Day is “Vision: Veterans in Focus.”  “Looking back on centuries of Veterans’ service and sacrifice and what we have learned from the past, we must always [...]
International Accounting Day: Setting A Household Budget

November 10, 2020

Struggling with a household budget? Why not let International Accounting Day on November 10th inspire you to set one up? Budgets can often times seem like a huge hurdle. There’s a million reasons to procrastinate when it comes to setting up a budget, but once you do, trust us, you’ll feel better! Why set up a budget? The number one [...]
How to Store Your Face Masks

November 9, 2020

Things to grab while heading out the door: keys, phone, and a face mask! Unfortunately, face masks will definitely be known as the “it” accessory of 2020. They’ve become an essential part of our everyday lives, so we’ve had to buy multiple, incorporate our cloth masks into our laundry cycles, and find places to store them. If you haven’t quite figured out the best storage [...]
Necessities for a New Apartment

November 6, 2020

Whenever you move you might find yourself needing new essentials. Maybe you got rid of some old furniture or lost some stuff in the move. Or maybe you just want a fresh start with some new things. To make things easy for your move, here are a list of necessities you’ll need for your new apartment! Kitchen Supplies – A must [...]
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