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New Decade, New You - Tips for 2020

January 1, 2020

It’s hard to believe we’re ending an entire decade with the start of 2020. Every new years there’s a feeling that each of us get to start over with new goals or intentions we’d like to achieve. Starting over with an entirely new decade can be looked at as an even bigger opportunity. Here are some tips to take advantage of everything this new decade has to offer.

Take a Look Back

Here’s your chance to look back at the last decade to see how much you’ve accomplished. Instead of looking what you didn’t achieve, instead try to focus on what you did. If you see you’ve already accomplished at least some of the things you set out to do, that’s pure motivation to achieve any of those loftier goals you have for the 2020’s.

Break Out Your Journal

Let’s face it, writing your goals down with a pen and paper helps to clarify and tackle what you want to get done. Even if that means just journaling to get better clarity of what you want in the next decade. Making journaling a regular practice beyond the start of the new decade is a great way to stay the course!

Be Grateful

Starting a new year or decade is not just thinking about what you want, but also about what already makes you happy. Taking note of what you’re grateful for not only puts you in a better mood, but also gives you a better perspective on what you’ve already accomplished or have in your life.

Have Fun

Sometimes when it comes to New Year’s goals we’re so set on not dropping the ball that we forget to have fun. When you take a look at the past decade and what stands out the most, you may find your most memorable moments are those in which you were just going with the flow of life and having fun with friends and family.

A new year or decade for the matter doesn’t just have to be about goals, but can just be a reminder to enjoy the time you have.

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