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How to Start a Gratitude Journal

November 22, 2018

There’s no right or wrong way when it comes to starting a gratitude journal. All it takes is consistently putting the pen to the paper. However, if you’re not used to writing we can see how it can be intimidating or feel forced. But try not to worry about that. The point of a journal is that no one else will see it except for you. The point of writing a gratitude journal is just to remind yourself how much you have to be grateful this holiday season and all through the year, which should give you a more optimistic look on life and thus leaving you and the people around you more happier.

So no pressure or need for writing skills. Just a blank journal, pen, and your happy thoughts! However if you still feel stuck, here are some tips!

How to Start a Gratitude Journal

Photo by Jess Watters via Unsplash.

  1. Don’t overwhelm yourself with trying to write everything you’re grateful for in one sitting. You can make a list of 5 or 10 things you’re grateful for, or even just 3. The point is to let it just come naturally and for the experience of writing in your gratitude journal to be one of joy.
  2. We’re all super busy, but if you can find one part of your day to spend five minutes writing down what you’re grateful for, that’s all you need. Whether it’s in the morning, when you decompress at night, or even on your lunch break. You might find you actually look forward to your personal time to write in it every day.
  3. Which brings us to the last tip of being consistent. Like most good intentions, once they’re out of sight, they’re out of mind. Keep your journal in a place where you’ll see it every day or just make it a part of your daily rituals. The more you’re consistent with it, the more likely you’ll keep doing it.

Once you get in the flow of writing this holiday season, you’ll probably want to continue it throughout the year. It feels that great!

How to Start a Gratitude Journal 1

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