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Home Office Essentials

July 29, 2020

With many of us working from home due to Covid, you may have had to create your own home office on a whim. In fact working from home may have no end in sight, or at least for the near future. So how do you create a comfortable home office? Let’s check out the essentials.

Laptop or monitor – If you’re already working from home chances are your work has supplied you with a laptop. But if not, you can definitely find deals online by either waiting for a sale or buying a refurbished computer from a reputable source. Even Apple has top of the line refurbished laptops and monitors for sale most of the time.

Good chair and desk – A comfortable chair is essential when working from home. For those that don’t have a separate room to call their home office, it’s better to carve out an area of your home to squeeze in a desk and chair if possible. Working on the couch for long periods of time can cause back problems later on. There are many mini desks available online and if you don’t want a big office chair, using a dining room chair with a comfy pad may work just fine.

Printer if needed – Although not a necessity these days, it’s nice to have a printer on hand in case you do need to print anything. It really just depends on your type of work, but printers are so cheap that it might be worth the minimal investment.

File cabinet – Definitely not necessary in 2020 for most jobs, but also very convenient when you’re dealing with a lot of files and folders. If most of your work is done on a computer without print outs, it’s best to avoid this bulky item unless absolutely necessary.

Backup – If you work for yourself without an IT team, you’ll definitely want to back up your computer on more than one source. You can always buy a physical backup disc, but your best best is to back up all your files to a cloud source like Dropbox to be extra safe.

A home office in 2020 doesn’t have to be complicated. For most of us our home office revolves around a simple working area like a chair and desk, plus our computer making it pretty easy to be up and running in your home in no time!

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