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How to Get the Most Out of Summer Solstice

June 15, 2016

Summer solstice is just around the corner!  This day marks the official start of summer and is the longest day of the year.  This year, the date that it falls on in the U.S. is June 20th.  Depending on where you are in the country, the length of the day will vary between 13 and 16 hours long (with the exception of Alaska that will have a little under 20 hours of sunlight; CRAZY).

To take advantage of Summer Solstice, we have some great ideas to help you celebrate the longer days that summer brings!  From outdoor workouts, to water parks, to mini golf; we’ve got you covered.

  • Instead of waking up at the crack of dawn to get in a morning workout, sleep in and try an outdoor workout in the evening.
  • Take a little relaxing break and go watch the sunset.
  • If you love spending time with Mother Nature, go for a long hike on your local trails or take a nice bike ride.
  • Farmer’s markets are always so much fun to attend. All the smells of the fresh produce and freshly picked flowers; it’s just so wonderful!
  • Have a peaceful picnic at your Local Park or beach.
  • Attend a baseball game and enjoy a delicious ball park hot dog; YUM!
  • If you live near a body of water (ocean, lake, river, etc.) go canoeing or kayaking. If your furry four-legged friend loves water, take them with you too!  It’s a great way to spice up their exercise routine and wear them out.
  • Water parks are a great way to spend the day in the sun and are sure to keep you entertained.
  • Flea markets and swap meets are a great place to browse for cheap trinkets, antiques, and items for DIY crafts and décor.
  • Catch your favorite bands in action by attending an outdoor festival or concert.
  • Mini-golf is so much fun and is also a really cute date idea if you’re looking for something to do with your beau.
  • Invite your friends over for an evening BBQ and pool party or hot tub sesh.

How to Get the Most Out of Summer Solstice

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