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Football Season is Back, But Different

August 13, 2020

The good news is football season is back! This year’s season might look different with no crowds and no preseason, but who’s happy that the season is actually happening? We are!

Things are still up in the air this season and that largely depends on the state of Covid as we move into fall. Your best bet as a fan is to enjoy the games you can while they’re happening because one thing we can depend on this year is unpredictability. However, rest assured the NFL is taking Covid precautions seriously so fingers crossed players stay safe and the games continue!

What’s different this season:

  • No Preseason – Rather recently the NFL decided to forgo the entire preseason. Originally it was stated fewer games would be played, but for safety precautions, the league decided to eliminate all preseason games this year.
  • No Crowds – It will be strange seeing no crowds at the stadiums this year, but it was sort of to be expected given the current situation with Covid surges. However and obviously, games will be televised so fans can still enjoy the season!
  • Daily Testing for Players – To keep teams safe this season, players will be tested daily for the first two weeks of training camp and then every other day if the Covid rates drop below 5%.
  • High Risk Opt Out – Players can opt out of the 2020 season and still receive a stipend for the year. Those with pre-existing conditions will receive $350k for the season and those without get $150k. The deadline to opt out is the week of August 3rd.
  • Games May Be Canceled – Given the unpredictability of current times, games may be canceled if considered a health risk. This largely depends on testing and outbreaks.

Although things will be very different this year, kudos have to be given to the league, teams, and players opting to play this season! Wishing everyone a safe and fun season!

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