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Fall Activities to Do At Home

October 20, 2020

With the uncertainty of Covid still lingering this fall, it seems many of us will be staying home rather than going out. If outside dining is the norm where you live and with the weather getting colder, spending time out may not be an option. Here are some activities to do at home this fall while we move through the end of this year!

Game Night – Playing games with family, roommates or close friends is a great way to pass the time this fall. Try a new game or have a regular game night with your favorite people!

New Recipes – Don’t want to go out to eat! Try making a new recipe instead. With endless recipes online, this fall is the perfect time to stay indoors and practice your cooking skills.

Find a Favorite New Show – Most of us will probably be streaming to pass the time this fall. Good thing is there is no shortage of new shows to watch or old classics to rewatch.

Take Up a New Hobby – It looks like lockdowns will probably be extended through the fall. If you feel like you’ve never had the time to take up that hobby you’ve always wanted to try, now you do! Whether it’s a home yoga routine, knitting, DIY projects or even learning a new language, make the most of your nights in with something constructive!

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