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An Apartment State Of Mind

5 Easy Earth Day Tips for Your Apartment

April 14, 2016

Each Earth Day, we are reminded just how big of an impact we have on the planet we live on. Living in an apartment, many may feel that they can’t make a difference in making their living space more energy efficient, but the truth is each one of us can do our part to live green.

Most Fairfield Residential communities nationwide participate in our Living Green®  program, in which we strive each and every day to provide green living opportunities for our residents. The goal of our program is to make it easy for them to contribute to sustainability without having to make a special effort.

Here are 5 easy ways that you can reduce your impact in your apartment home:

Make your patio shine! You don’t need a yard to show off your gardening skills, just brighten up your patio with solar powered lights*! This is an easy and inexpensive way to brighten up the exterior of your home and add a personal and homey touch to your patio.

Go Paperless!  We offer the convenience and ease of paying your rent straight through our online portal, so why not incorporate that method into all of your bills!? Go paperless with your bills and say goodbye to junk mail and wasting paper!

Conserve Water! Water conservation is perhaps one of the most important, and one of the easiest ways to conserve! Report any leaking faucets or showerheads to maintenance immediately.  Make sure the dishwasher is full before running it, and that the washer is running on cold water to save you time and save the world energy.

Dim the lights! Although we should be conscious of how much energy we use every day, try turning off as many lights as you can on April 22nd! Leaving on lights we aren’t using is a bad habit many of us are guilty of, but the unnecessary use of energy can have a big impact. Also, many appliances continue to draw power even when they are not in use, so simply unplug them or turn off the power strip to cut back on your impact.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! This is the simplest way to help the environment! Use your community’s recycle bins for applicable waste, and find fun and exciting ways to upcycle the items you no longer use! Pinterest is a great source for finding fun DIY projects that take your old and unwanted items and turn them into funky pieces that look brand new.

There are plenty of ways to live green and ensure that the measures taken on Earth Day are easy to do each and every day. These 5 easy tips are a great place to start!

*Photo of outdoor solar powered light taken at Fairfield Residential community, Mountain Trails Apartments.

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