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Creative Coffee Shops in Seattle, WA

July 23, 2015

Among the hustle and bustle of life in Seattle, it’s comforting to know that an artisanal cup of coffee is right around the corner. It’s no surprise that Seattle is home to some of the best coffee shops in the nation, and we’ve done a little digging to bring some of the most creative ones to your attention.

1. Fremont Coffee

  • If you’re a fan of latte art, this is definitely a place to hit. From cute little bunnies to Darth Vadar, these artistic baristas seriously know how to manipulate foam. (You can even get Yoda! Serious, I am.)

2. Storyville Coffee Shop

  • If the incredible, perfectly brewed coffee isn’t enough, then the sophisticated interior design of their shop is, complete with comfy leather sofas, a warm fireplace and a “love everybody” wall quote. This coffee shop perfectly captures the cozy ambiance a cup of coffee should embody, and the baristas are really, REALLY nice.

3. Stumptown Coffee Roasters

  • If you’re ever craving a killer cold brew, Stumptown should be the first (and will most likely be your last) stop. They have a series of cold brews to satisfy any coffee craving you might have. Since they’re also roasters, you can buy a bag of freshly roasted coffee beans on your way out.What are your favorite local coffee shops? Comment below and let us know what we missed!
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