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Top Tips for Bringing the Holidays Into Your Apartment

December 2, 2015

It’s finally December, which means it’s officially okay to FINALLY start blasting holiday music. While I have the soft tunes of Michael Bublé’s album playing throughout my place, I want my home to have actual holiday vibes as well. I’m talking twinkling lights, the smell of cinnamon and sugar cookies wafting throughout my apartment–the works. Guest blogger Kaitlyn Krull from Modernize is here to give us some tips on how to give our homes that warm holiday glow.

Now that Thanksgiving is behind us and the Black Friday sales thankfully seem just a distant memory, it is finally time to think about getting ready for the holidays. If you haven’t already dragged your decorations out of storage and trimmed your tree, it is now socially acceptable to deck your proverbial halls. We at Modernize know that bringing the holiday season into a rented apartment and smaller accommodation can be tricky to say the least. Here are some clever tips and tricks to help you get your apartment ready for the holidays.

Make room
Before you drag your boxes of holiday decorations out of the closet, it’s important to make sure you actually have space for everything. Take the time to pack up your regular home decor items that will go unused during the holiday season and put them into storage. Your OCD self will thank you in the New Year.

If you’re planning to have house guests over the holidays, it’s important to make sure your place has enough space for everyone. Now is the time to eliminate any clutter that’s been building up over the last few months (it’s been awhile since spring cleaning!) to make room for extra bodies in your apartment. Push sofas and armchairs right up against the walls if you haven’t already, and get rid of any nonessentials. Just make sure you leave room for the tree!

Change your color scheme
If your rental agreement doesn’t allow for repainting the walls, never fear (also, just as well, because there’s hardly time for that kind of redecoration before the holidays!). A quick swap out of your home decor accessories will change the color scheme instantly and get your place ready for the season.

Red and green are go-tos for those celebrating Christmas, but feel free to add a few warm colors and neutral browns with the occasional glittery pillow to make things extra cozy and festive. Include your cushions, throws, and candles in this color shakeup, but don’t forget your standard holiday decorations, too!

Decorate your entryway
Nothing says welcome during the holiday season like a tastefully decorated entryway. Hang a holiday wreath made from greenery, pine cones, and seasonal berries for a traditional decoration, or make your own door decor out of felt, paper, or anything else you can think of. Don’t forget to use your holiday lights and other decorations inside the door, and consider hanging a basket of cookies on the door à la Monica in Friends. Wait, that ended badly, didn’t it? Maybe scratch that idea, but keep the welcoming sentiment.

Use all the senses
When you’re thinking about bringing the holidays into your apartment, it’s important to have all your bases covered. We like to think of it like using all your senses. For sight, it’s all the heirloom and traditional holiday decorations displayed around the house. The soft, plush fabrics you choose for your living space are the sense of touch. Walking into the house you’ll be able to smell the telltale scents of the season: cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, and pine (achieve these through candles, diffusers, and hopefully not a burning oven). You and your family and friends will be able to taste the fresh made holiday foods and treats you’ve made (or ordered in—no shame here). Finally, the sounds of everyone together and holiday music playing in the background will bring everything together, and you will know that the holiday season is well and truly in your home.

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