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6 Energy-Saving Tips for Tenants

December 23, 2019

Renting can save people a lot of money, which is why so many people prefer it to paying a mortgage. Whenever something breaks, you can get it fixed for free. Apartment communities often offer amenities like gyms and car washing stations for free as well, which would otherwise cost you more money each month.

While there are plenty of benefits to renting from a landlord, though, there can be a few minor setbacks as well. You might notice your home-owning friends installing smart thermostats or solar panels, which would break your lease if you tried to do the same.

If you’re looking to reduce your energy consumption, don’t feel like you’re out of luck. Try these six energy-saving tips for tenants that anyone can try. You’ll save on your energy bill with just a few slight changes without endangering the terms of your lease.

1. Close Your Blinds

During the summer, open blinds allow extra sunshine into your home. You might think it saves you money since more sunlight means you don’t need to turn on the lights, but that’s not necessarily true.

Increased sunlight in your home heats the room and makes your air conditioner work harder to bring down the interior temperature. That could raise your electric bill drastically, so slant or close your blinds whenever possible during the hottest weeks of the year.

2. Turn off the Lights

Consider how often people turn on lights in your home. While you watch TV in the living room, are there lights left on in an empty bathroom, bedroom or office space?

Forgotten lights only add to your electric bill, so get yourself and your family in the habit of turning off lights when you leave the room. Only use them when necessary, so you pay for what you need.

3. Switch to CFL Bulbs

When you go to the store, which lightbulbs do you buy? If you haven’t checked the fine print on the labels, it’s time to start. Incandescent bulbs have been the most popular lighting choice in previous years, but now there are compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) available.

Studies have shown that CFL bulbs use 70% less energy than incandescent bulbs, which can make a major dent in your energy bill.

4. Wash With Cold Water

The next time you put your laundry in the washing machine, switch the setting to wash with cold water. It’s easy to not think about the temperature of the water, but electric companies charge roughly 20% of your energy bill based on your water heating.

Use cold water to wash your clothes whenever possible to reduce your energy usage and save money.

5. Adjust Your Thermostat

Think about what you prefer your thermostat programmed to during the winter and summer. Could you live with it a couple of degrees colder or warmer?

Adjusting the thermostat by even one degree reduces your HVAC unit’s energy usage since it won’t have to run the fans as frequently. You may need to pull out your fuzzy socks or paper fan, but you’ll get used to the new temperature when you see how much you save.

6. Replace Your Air Filters

Make sure your air filters are replace regularly so that air flows freely around your home. Clogged filters make your HVAC unit work harder to push air through, which costs more when it occurs all day, every day.

Talk With Your Landlord

If you’re ever unsure about what changes you can make to your home, reach out to our on-site maintenance staff.

Once you try these tips, you’ll see a significant change in your monthly energy expenses.

Author Bio:

6 Energy-Saving Tips for Tenants

Dylan Bartlett, aka, “The Regular Guide,” writes about a broad variety of topics on his blog. Check out Just a Regular Guide for more, or follow Dylan on Twitter @theregularguide for frequent updates!

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