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5 Apps for Better Sleep

February 8, 2018

ave trouble getting that good night’s rest you always crave? Well, thanks to the tech age we’re currently living in, you can easily optimize your life for better sleep thanks to a single app. There’s plenty of life hacking apps out there so we’ve rounded up 5 that will not only give you better sleep, but also rejuvenating mornings and less stressful days. Let’s check out our favorites!

5 Apps for Better Sleep

5 Apps for Better Sleep

Photo via Pillow

  1. Pillow

Incorporating recent research and studies for a sound sleep, Pillow is a straightforward app perfect for those trying to optimize their sleep. Here are a few of its major features:

  • A highly advanced algorithm that detects sounds and motion with high sensitivity so you get a comprehensive diagram of your sleep time.
  • Pillow connects and detects effects of various health metrics on your sleep patterns. These health effects include variations in blood pressure, weight, intake of calories, alcohol consumption, the quantity of caffeine in the blood and heart rate.
  • Easy to use with a clean interface.

5 Apps for Better Sleep

Photo via Pzizz

  1. Pzizz

Pzizz sends you into a soothing slumber in no time, plus helps you to relax through all the different stages of your sleep so you wake up refreshed, energized and charged. Not only a sleep app but also a power nap system.

  • One of the top sleep apps out there, Pzizz has been known to help insomnia, boost your internal energy making you more rejuvenated in the morning.
  • Pzizz offers a mix of mystic and soothing music, sound effects and soft voiceovers that relax your mind in an optimal period of time.
  • Another plus is it’s easy to use portal and simple interface.

5 Apps for Better Sleep

Photo via Noisli

  1. Noisli

Time to forget your tension, anxiety and stressed muscles. Noisli gives you a soothing tour of inner peace that promotes a positive change in your personal strength, focus, and productivity.

  • Noisli relax your nerves for a better sleep, loosens up your muscles with a soft and soothing mix of relaxing music plus helps with insomnia.
  • With a range of sounds including the sound of breezes, leaves, ocean waves, rain showers, birds chirping and more, this app creates a calm and serene environment to help you relax.
  • Not only a great option for insomniacs, it’s also ideal for those suffering headaches.

5 Apps for Better Sleep

Photo via Up Coffee

  1. UP Coffee

Love coffee, but not how it affects your sleep? This app helps you keep track of your caffeine intake and so you sleep better and longer.

  • Just enter your favorite caffeinated drink plus the amount and UP Coffee will show what time is ideal for sleep.
  • Not only will it show the perfect timing for better sleep, but this app also keeps a record of the total amount of caffeine you are taking in a single day.
  • You can also add the number of energy supplements you take in a day for the same results.

5 Apps for Better Sleep

Photo via Bedtations

  1. Beditations

No more annoying alarm clocks. Use this app for gentle meditations that not only will put you to sleep, but help you wake in the morning in a more serene way.

  • Beditations is not just a sleeping app. Aside from helping you sleep and wake up, it also helps you set intentions and reduce stress throughout the day.
  • Choose from a variety of different meditations to help you improve sleep, end stress, practice mindful and mindful dieting.

5 Apps for Better Sleep

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