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Tips for Moving in the Snow

December 16, 2019

Moving itself is hard enough, but moving in the snow can be on a whole other level. Why would anyone move during the dead of winter, you ask? 

Well, the winter months offer some of the cheapest rental rates of the year. If you’re okay with moving during snowy winter weather, the money you can save can be well worth it. 

If you’re feeling motivated to snatch up those cheaper rates and have an impending move this winter, here are some tips that will save you from the common headaches that come along with moving when it’s snowing. 


Utilities and Heat – You’ll want to make sure the utilities are up and running at your new place so that once you move in you won’t have any surprises. Best bet is to have everything turned on about two days before the actual move.

Supplies – Make sure you have shovels and salt ready to go the day of the move. Use sheets or blankets to cover furniture while it’s snowing. Plus, have an extra heater and hot drinks on hand for the day of. You and your movers will thank you.

Check the Weather: Keep your eye on the weather or monitor a weather app, to plan ahead. You don’t want to be surprised with a snow storm the day of. You’ll also want to have a back up plan in case you need to postpone the move.

Confirm with the Movers: Another surprise you definitely don’t need is finding out that the movers won’t be available because of the weather. Check with them a week before, and then also a day or two before to confirm.

Find Accommodations for Your Pet – Moving in the snow means having as little distractions as possible. Do you and your pet a favor by boarding them at friends house or pet day care so they’ll be safe and warm during the move.

The Move

Clear Walk Ways – Shoveling snow is no fun, but it’s a must the day of your move for safety’s sake. Break out the shovel and salt to keep those walkways safe for not only you, but also your movers. 

Cover Floors – To avoid tracking snow and mud into your old and new place, cover the floors with plastic tarps or mats. 

Turn Heat Off While You Move – You’ll get warmed up just from the move itself, but you don’t want to be overheated while you do it. So turn off the heat while the move is in process. You can always have a space heater on hand in case you need to warm up.

Map Out Your Route – When it’s snowing it’s all about precaution. It’s best to know exactly what the route is that you’re going to take not only for safety, but to keep a stressful move at bay.

Stick to these tips and you’ll find moving during the winter may not be as difficult as you think!

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