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The Pros and Cons of Having Roommates

June 15, 2020

The pros and cons of having roommates all depends on your life situation. While some people love living with other people, others prefer to have their own space. Over the years, you may ebb and flow between both scenarios.

Pros of Roommates

Saving Money

Depending on your financial situation, having a roommate isn’t necessarily a choice. If you can’t afford to live on your own, living with a roommate can save you a lot of money in rent. Even if you can technically afford to live on your own, having a roommate can help you save money for other goals. You also may not need to be responsible for furnishing the entire apartment depending on how you and your roommate agree to decorate your home.

Not Being Alone

Some people prefer living alone and others need to be around people. If you’re more of a people person who likes coming home and having company, having roommates is definitely a benefit. Living situations come in all shapes and sizes, too, which means you can cohabitate with one roommate or many depending on your preference.

New Friends

Sometimes your new roommate turns out to be one of your best friends. Yes, when you click with your roommate it’s the best! A built-in-friend at home is hard to beat.

Sharing The Workload

Just like saving money on rent, you’ll save time and energy by having someone to split the workload of chores with. When you live alone, house work falls squarely on your own shoulders.

Roommates enjoying living together.
Helena Lopes, Unsplash

Cons of Roommates

Unhealthy Living Situation

Maybe you have different cleaning habits. Or different views on house guests… Sometimes you can get stuck with someone you just don’t like living with. It happens to all of us. Your new roommate seemed nice in the beginning and then somewhere along the way you realize there’s tension in the air. If the roommate pairing is not a great fit, you could end up in an unhealthy living situation. Home should be a place to relax and feel comfortable, and not having a roommate definitely cuts back on any unwanted drama.

Your Space The Way You Like It

If you like having your own space and don’t really like compromising about your living space, then living by yourself is ideal. You can decorate your apartment to your hearts delight just the way you like it—and change it up as often as you like.

Alone Time

Some of us just need ample alone time or quiet time. When you’re living with roommates, it’s hard to get that without feeling like you’re excluding yourself from everyone else. When you live by yourself you have all the time in the world to live on your terms and do what you like.

Should You Get A Roommate?

The pros and cons of having roommates are good to explore when figuring out your next living situation, but ultimately there is no right answer! Be true to yourself, your needs, and your financial situation to make the best decision for you.

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