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An Apartment State Of Mind

How to Deal with Noisy Neighbors

August 18, 2015

Loud voices, yappy pup, and pounding footsteps that make you wonder whether or not the ceiling will fall through? Yeah, noisy neighbors can be infuriating. Before running off to a new apartment complex, there are a few ways to get your zen back without having to call it quits.

1. When you’re apartment hunting, make sure you ask your agent how many apartments are there and then observe your surroundings so you can get a sense of who lives there. . How many people live there, are there pets, are they young college kids, and so on. Try to figure out if your neighbors might be noisy before even moving in, and stress to the landlord/agent how important silence is to you.

2. Earplugs. No confrontation, no harm, no foul. The easiest solution for both parties in the case of minor annoyances like lawn mowers or someone vacuuming.

3. Write a friendly note and/or talk to them face-to-face. Chances are they might not even know how much of a racket they’re causing or how disruptive they’re being. Keep in mind that they may also have a problem with you, so go in with an open mind in order to find a solution that works for both of you.

4. If talking to them fails and the noise ensues, talk to your property manager. It’s better to get help than to raise tensions even higher! We are always more than happy to try to assist.

You can also take some extra precautions by sound-proofing you apartment. This means adding décor to your place that absorbs the sound, such as carpet or rugs, couches, throw pillows, etc.

Happy quiet time!

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