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An Apartment State Of Mind

How to Find a Roommate That Doesn't Suck

June 2, 2015

Ah yes, the roomie hunt. This could sometimes be harder than apartment hunting itself—after all, your apartment isn’t the one that will be a slobby Joe.

We’ve come up with a few tips on how to make sure your next roomie isn’t a doozy that will turn your cozy apartment into a living h-e-double hockey sticks.

– The Search –

Start looking for a roomie 3 months ahead of time, and hang out with them before and after apartment hunting to make sure you guys will click. You can find potential roomies on websites like Roomster or Roomie Match. Living with a person you only say “hi” to when you see them honestly isn’t the bee’s knees. It takes around 3 months to get to know a person, so get to talkin’.

– The Interview –

No, I’m not talking about Seth Rogen and James Franco’s hilarious, albeit a bit inappropriate, movie. Make sure to have a proper interview with your future roomie. Ask whatever questions or concerns, including worst case scenarios, you might have to put your pretty little mind at ease. Make sure you’re honest in your answers as well. Don’t hold back—you’ll be stuck with this person for the next few months or so.

– The Visit –

Hang out at both his and your place, so that you’ll both be able to see what your roomie is currently living like. This should shed some light on whether they’re a neat freak or are a bit messier than they said they were, what their decoration taste is, and so on. Pay attention to those cleaning habits. Dirty dishes in the sink or an overflowing trash speak louder than words.

– The Goods –

Figure out the financial situation between you and your potential roomie. Bring up all the bills and rent and how the costs will be split. Make it even easier by using websites like What Do I Owe You or apps like Tab. Doing this will avoid awkwardness later on when there’s a huge spike in the electricity bill because they have their own space heater or something.

– The Contract –

Get everything (informalities, chores, financial issues, etc.) on a paper contract, even if you and your roomie are the best of friends. It’s necessary in order to protect both you and your roomie from legal actions later, and will fully lay out the rules of the household. You can make your own on LawDepot or look at these sample outlines for inspiration.

Good luck roomie hunting! Who knows, your new roomie might actually be your next best friend.

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