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Celebrating Father's Day in 2020

June 21, 2020

It’s definitely been a year for the record books in so many ways. Despite the hard times we’ve all gone through it can be said for many families that life being quarantined together has brought their family closer.

Family dinners every night, ample time for family activities and bonding has had a positive effect despite dire circumstances. Families have enjoyed these activities during quarantine:

  • Family book clubs
  • Game nights
  • Doing school activities together
  • Grocery shopping for elderly
  • Zoom hangouts with extended family
  • Art projects

Now that things are beginning to open up again slowly families can start to venture out for Father’s Day in a safe way. Whether that be to enjoy the great outdoors, go to lunch or visit friends and family while social distancing.

And for those of us who can’t be close to our parents because they’re older this time has made us appreciate the time we have with them even more. Staying connected with family has never been more important whether that means in person or staying at a safe distance to protect the elderly.

This Father’s Day may different for all of us, but that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate! Take caution if your parents are older, but there are still so many ways you can still make dad feel special!

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