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How to Cat-ify Your Apartment

May 21, 2017

Cats are finicky animals. Sometimes they’re completely content curled up to take a nap. And sometimes it seems they’re possessed, running around the house like a maniac. If you’re a cat owner, you know about this Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde behavior!

Although cats sleep a lot, they still have a ton of bottled up energy they need to get out somehow. Now that many domesticated cats are “indoor” cats, it can be tricky to find ways to release their inner hunter that is still a part of their natural instincts.

Not to mention that cats are very sensitive to their surroundings. Unlike dogs, who’s main purpose in life is to play and please their owners, a cat’s main purpose is to protect their territory. Cats haven’t exactly become completely domesticated like dogs and they still possess many of the characteristics of wild cats such as their need to head outside, hunt and guard their territory against other cats.

What does this mean for cats who live in apartments? Cats need to be entertained like dogs need to be taken on walks. Fortunately, there are many ways to do this within your apartment, even when you’re not at home. These actions to cat-ify your apartment will not only make your cat happier and less stressed, but it will probably make your life easier as well!

  1. Cat Grass – Yes, some cats love to eat grass, although there seems to be no clear answer as to why. You can easily purchase cat friendly grass or plants (some plants are poisonous to cats so definitely do your research!) at pet stores or online.
  2. Hunting Simulation Toys – Cats are hunters and they need daily hunting simulations to not only get their energy out, but also to satisfy that internal instinct. It’s important to note that while cats love to chase laser pointers, they can feel frustrated that they’re never able to catch their prey. An awesome alternative is an interactive ribbon wand called the Cat Charmer, available on Amazon. My cat loves to play with this toy and never seems to tire of it!
  3. Cat Enrichment Videos – Did you know that cats notice movement more than anything else when it comes to their sight? This enables them to hunt effectively. If you’re at work all day and you notice that your cat is in a mood when you get home, try putting on one of these YouTube videos of birds and squirrels in nature. You’ll be surprised at how captivated your cat will become by it! Plus it will cure their boredom during the day when you’re not around.
  4. Scratch Pads – Every cat owner knows that scratch pads are essential to have around the house if you don’t want your couch or other personal belongings ripped up. Again, this goes back to a cat’s natural instinct. Scratching is a way for them to mark their territory. Even if you’re cat lives in an apartment and there are no other cats around, they still will do these instinctive behaviors. Best to have outlets for them to do so! Get multiple scratch pads to put around your apartment to they’re not tempted to scratch the carpet or couch.
  5. Climbing Structures – Some cats love to climb and perch, while others just love to lounge. If your cat is a climber, it’s essential to get them some cat furniture! Bonus is that most “cat furniture” also includes scratchers, so you can hit two birds with one stone.
  6. Comfy Bed or Blanket With Your Scent – Despite being naturally solitary animals, cats love to cuddle with their humans. If you notice your cat having separation anxiety while you’re gone at work, you can easily create a bed with your scent to make them feel more secure. I did this with an old sweater that I don’t wear anymore by just putting it on her cat bed after wearing it. Have to say it was adorable to come home and see her curled up on the sweater, happily asleep.
  7. Feliway – Speaking of anxiety, this seems to be a common issue with cats. Cats can become easily stressed out by a number of factors. Feliway is a pheromone diffuser specifically designed to calm cats and many cat owners swear by it. If your cat is still stressed even after taking these other actions to cat-ify your apartment, definitely give Feliway a try!
  8. Shallow Water Bowl – A cat’s whiskers are super sensitive and cats can sometimes get irritated if their water bowl is half filled. They feel their whiskers brushing against the side of the bowl and that is a sign to them that the space they are entering is too small, and they may stop drinking beyond a certain point. To remedy this, it’s best to a have a couple of shallow water bowls throughout the house where their whiskers don’t get in the way of drinking, and they get plenty of water.
  9. Automatic Cat Feeder – If your cat is driving you insane early in the morning by begging for food, an automatic cat feeder is a great way to feed them (and keep them quiet) without having to get out of bed! You’re able to set automatic feeding times and portion their food out. Perfect for feeding your cat while you’re away at work.

As you can see, although cats are super cute and cuddly, they still can be quite complicated animals. But once you learn the basics of how to cat-ify your apartment and learn about they’re natural instincts, you’ll see an enormous difference in your cats behavior. I recommend checking out the book, Cat Sense, to learn more about why cats behave the way they do.

How to Cat-ify Your Aparment

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